Hereford National Social Studies Honors Society –
Carolyn Fucile Chapter
Membership in RHO KAPPA is an honor bestowed upon a student by a local chapter for their accomplishments in the field of social studies and overall academic achievement. Each local chapter assembles a faculty selection committee in the school the chapter resides to confer the memberships. The committee includes the chapter faculty sponsors and other faculty from the chapter school.
The Hereford chapter of Rho Kappa has been named in honor of Mrs. Carolyn Fucile, the longtime social studies department chair at Hereford High School, who retired in 2013.
Each candidate for membership shall be selected to a designated chapter of Rho Kappa based on the following criteria:
1. Have been in attendance at the school in which the chapter resides for the equivalent of one semester prior to being considered.
2. Have completed four semesters of courses (2 years) in the field of social studies and be prepared to complete at least six semesters (3 years). The minimum grade point average for these courses is an unweighted 3.5 or the numerical equivalent.
3. Have an overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.5.
4. Have been enrolled in at least one Advanced Placement Social Studies course at Hereford, with the intention of completing at least two AP Social Studies courses. These courses include AP Government, AP World History, AP US History, AP Economics, AP Human Geography, AP Psychology, AP African American Studies, and AP European History.
5. Complete and submit the enclosed application during the application period.