“Felix Qui Potuit Rerum Cognoscere Causus”
[Fortunate is s/he who knows the causes of things] - Virgil
Hereford High has been part of the Science National Honor Society since 2004. Our chapter 224 is the second-oldest in Maryland, and in a short time its members have distinguished themselves as leaders and high achievers at the local, collegiate and national levels.
In addition to weekly meetings, in which members present interesting and/or new findings in various fields of science, SNHS members are also involved in various extracurricular activities that promote science in the community:
• SNHS members serve as judges for the STEM fairs taking place at the feeder elementary schools in the spring;
• SNHS officers invite researchers and professors from local universities and laboratories to share their research;
• Several members have conducted original research using classroom cosmic ray muon detectors, or a 2.5-meter radio telescope stationed at Johns Hopkins U
• Some members have designed and executed several “community science” presentations to younger students in science.
For more information about SNHS and becoming a member, contact the sponsor Jeremy Smith [email protected] or the science department chair Rowdy Bibaud [email protected] .