The story of Agriculture in North Baltimore County is long and deep-rooted. From Land Grants families continuing a long legacy of agricultural pursuits to relatively new endeavors using the soil and land to cultivate crops and livestock, one thing that has held this community together is the partnership between the schools and the agricultural community. Starting in 1909, Sparks Agricultural School began growing that relationship with a purpose, to serve the community in helping to prepare the next generation for the opportunities that the future held. This relationship continues today at Hereford High School where the last vestige of our agricultural heritage still takes root. We look forward to the changing role of our agriscience program in meeting the needs of the students and the community
Our Philosophy
To provide the students of Baltimore County Public Schools an opportunity to develop real world skills through experiential and academically rigorous learning experiences in the agrisciences while promoting the importance of agriculture in the progress of modern society.
Community Partnership
Junior Gunpowder Agricultural Club
The Third Gunpowder Agricultural Club
Maryland Agricultural Resource Council
John H. Radebaugh Inc.
Roseda Farm
Kingsdene Nurseries
Agriculture is not crop production as popular belief holds - it's the production of food and fiber from the world's land and waters. Without agriculture it is not possible to have a city, stock market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and any stable economy.
- Allan Savory