As the year progresses, this section of the website will be your go-to for much of the information about Hereford High School.
Student Device Usage Policy
All Hereford High School students are expected to use their BCPS issued device during each class period.
This expectation includes classroom assignments, activities, and assessments. It is up to a teacher’s
discretion to allow a student to use their own personal device during class.
Please note that the usage of BCPS Technology and/or the BCPS Network is bound by the Technology
Acceptable Use Policy (TAUP). Each year
students must read and acknowledge understanding the TAUP before using the BCPS devices and
network. Students are not permited to use websites or software to bypass the BCPS Network filters and
access blocked websites. If you or your student has any questions about the TAUP, please reach out to
their assigned administrator.
Bell_Schedule - Regular school day schedule, 1 hour, 2 hour, and early dismissal schedules
HHS Student Handbook - information included in the student planner
BCPS Student Handbook - school system information for students and parents
Attendance Procedures - policies regarding attendance, lateness, and early dismissal
HHS Cell Phone Policy - expectations regarding cell phone use during instructional time
HHS Grading Policy - grading and reporting for all students
Please support our PTSA and join today! Check out their Facebook page for more information.
HHS Administrative Assignments
Student Last Names
A – G
Ms. Sovich
H – O
Ms. Book
P – Z
HHS School Counseling Assignments
School Counselor
Student Last Names
Ms. Slezak
A – E
Ms. Zegers
F – K
Ms. Sanacore
L – R
Ms. Jahries
S – Z
Ms. Kovack
College & Career